Take Care of Your Health Now.

Life is a Journey! Life is about LIVING. We can't know what is coming and we need to enjoy every day instead of trying to “arrive.” We should enjoy the unfolding and the process. It's so much easier said than done. Whole person health is certainly not a journey you can take alone; it really does take a village. And by village, not only your group of friends but your whole circle — your therapist, fitness instructor, neighbor, etc. Not everyone needs to know the details, but having a circle of people who care is essential.

Our focus is whole-person health, blending conventional and integrative approaches to mental and physical wellness by monitoring health metrics: Physical exams, health screenings, lab work, blood pressure, and heart rate. These are important to monitor at baseline but also check frequently with any medication or health history change.

office Hours by appointment only

  • MondayBy appointment
  • TuesdayBy appointment
  • WednesdayBy appointment
  • ThursdayBy appointment
  • FridayBy appointment

Our Services

High-quality services

Under Revision

Under Revision

Under Revision

Under Revision

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Mental Health

Mental health refers to the social, emotional, and psychological components of your well-being that affect the way you think, act, and feel. Your ability to manage stress, resolve conflicts, and relate to your peers largely depends on the state of your mental health. That’s why caring for your mental and physical health are equally important.

Under Revision

Under Revision


Why choose us?

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy wit.

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Start your journey to wellness today!

Feel free to self-schedule your first appointment directly from this website! Please include Insurance information (if applicable), Email and/or Cell phone. If you leave a voicemail, PLEASE include your cell phone and Email. We will TEXT and Email you further instructions to confirm your appointment.


    Our Client says

    A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring taken serenity.


    In Case Of Emergency Call

    (510) 352-6578

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